Things to do when you first get to uni

Published on behalf of Yuvini Hettiarachchi. The first weeks away from home at university can be quite daunting. You don’t know anyone, you’re not with your family and you might even want go back home. It’s easy to shut yourself off from the world and stay locked up in your bedroom. But that’s really not…

“Everyone is in the same boat”

Published on behalf of Lawrence Penn. You’ve probably heard this said to you a few times as your move in to uni approaches. It is however very true. And the name of this boat is HMS I’ve Got No Friends. If you sit down and think about it for too long it really is a…

Moving in essentials

Published on behalf of Clarissa Allford. Hello there! I’m Clarissa, and in this post I’ll be explaining things you may forget but that may prove essential when you move in. If you’re anything like I am, you could be packing for weeks and still manage to forget some of the absolute essentials. Here are a…

Meet the Insiders!

Hi, I’m Joe. I’m the social media manager at Hallam, and I helped find our current team of #HallamInsiders. They’re four students from the University who genuinely love life in Sheffield, and they can give you the inside look at enjoying student life in the Steel City. They’ll be blogging regularly about what makes Sheffield different, how their studies…