Category Archives: Support

Here is some information from the wider university service areas.

Air BnB Email Fraud

The Advice Centre at Sheffield Hallam has been made aware of email fraud linked to the Air BnB accommodation booking website. 

Please be aware when using this website that payments are made through the site and not via a bank transfer. 

Students are receiving emails from fake Air BnB accounts asking for payments to be made outside of the website to a personal bank account.

Air BnB’s terms and conditions state that this is not how they take payment. You can find extra guidance on this on the Air BnB website.

Always read the terms and conditions before making a payment online.  If you have any doubt when booking accommodation please come to the Advice Centre and an Advisor can talk you through how to spot fraud.

If you are worried you may have made a payment to a fraudulent account please come and see us at the Centre or visit the Action Fraud webpage for further details.

Follow this link to find out how to protect yourself from fraud.


scam alert

It has been brought to our attention that Indian students are being targeted by scammers who call themselves “Crime Stoppers” calling on behalf of “Home Office”. They call the students and intimidate them, threatening with arrest and claiming that some formalities were not fulfilled by the student at the time of arrival in the UK and therefore the student was now a “criminal immigrant”. They may also claim that they have been asked by “Indian authorities” to arrest the student. The scammers ask for personal and financial details, and intimidate students into paying them large sums of money. They may claim this as being “home office fines” or as “bail bond for Indian authorities”. They threaten students with arrest and/or harm to their family in India if the money is not paid or if the information is shared with anyone.

BEWARE – This is a very sophisticated scam! If they were to call you and you challenge their authenticity they may tell you to Google their phone number and verify their identity. They will have set up fake webpages and links to deceive you. They can be very forceful and authoritative in their tone, even more so if they sense that you are scared.

British Police or Home Office never contact students in this manner, and they never ask for money over the phone.

If you receive a call of this nature, please do not give out any personal details (passport number, address, family details). Please do not download any software they ask you to on your phone or computer. Cut the phone and inform the police immediately. If you are unsure, please feel free to contact International Student Support Team on or call us on 0114 225 3813.

If you have already been a victim of this scam – please contact Hallam Union Advice Centre ( or call 0114 225 4148) as a matter of urgency.

Maths Help during the resit period

Do you need any help with maths?


The ACES Faculty will be running some ‘Maths Help’ drop-in sessions just before and during the resits in July.

They will take place in the Adsetts Centre, Level 5.

The dates are as follows:

Thursday 9 July, 10am-12pm
Friday 10 July, 10am-12pm
Tuesday 14 July, 10am-12pm
Thursday 16 July, 10am-12pm
Monday 20 July, 10am-12pm
Tuesday 21 July, 10am-12pm

Student Wellbeing Summer Service

From Monday 8th June – Friday 25th September (end of Freshers’ Week), Student Wellbeing will operate a reduced service for the summer as follows:

  • Assessment appointments (bookable on the day) on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday at City Campus only
  • Pre-booked appointments at Collegiate Campus on demand
  • Wednesday late night reception has stopped until term starts in September

For more information see our What We Offer page.

Learning centre skills workshops for June 2015


Our learning centres run a range of skills workshops that are open to all Sheffield Hallam students to help you develop the skills you need for effective university study. There’s no need to book – just come along and join in.

Academic skills workshops

The programme of academic skills workshops runs regularly at Adsetts and Collegiate learning centres.
The schedule for June 2015 workshops starts on Monday 8th and will include sessions on

  • Undergraduate dissertation proposals – how to write it
  • Critical writing – how to shape your writing and focus on your critical voice
  • Literature reviews: getting started – how to critique
  • Reflection / reflective writing – what it’s all about
  • Critiquing a research paper – how to approach it

For details of times and locations of the workshops, see the Academic skills workshops page on shuspace.

Referencing and RefWorks workshops

A programme of workshops on Referencing and  RefWorks is also running through June 2015. For details see



There’s never been a better time to return your overdue library books!

At the beginning of July, Sheffield Hallam is changing the way students and staff borrow books from the library.

In preparation for this change, we need to make sure that our records are all as up to date as possible. This means that we need students and staff to return any overdue items to either the Adsetts or Collegiate Libraries as a matter of urgency.

Records show that we need 8,230 overdue books to be returned so that others can use them. To replace them, it would cost £228,064!


Therefore, to encourage you to return items, we’re having a fines amnesty – this means that if students return these items to us before Monday 1 June, any fines for items which are currently overdue will not be charged.

So there really has never been a better time to return your library books!


Home and International Masters-level students, can you help us?

We are interested in how you cope with masters level study and in examining the personal characteristics that help you cope.

The knowledge generated will assist us to improve the student experience.

You are being asked to complete an anonymous online questionnaire which will take 15-20 minutes. Further details are given in the questionnaire.  If you would like to take part, please access the link below:

If you know someone else on a UK Masters who is willing to take part too, please forward the link to them.

The study was approved by Sheffield Hallam University Research Ethics Committee and if you have any questions you can contact the following academics:

Dr Emma Kirkby-Geddes
Professor Ann Macaskill
Dr Lisa Reidy


Need someone to talk to?

Nightline is a student run organisation and all our volunteers are trained in dealing with a variety of issues that students want to talk about. We offer a phone call service which any students can phone and talk to one of our volunteers, we are a non-advisory service but do offer support to students in a variety cases and are there for students who just want someone to talk to.

Our service is open every night of the academic year from 8pm – 8am, we are also an information service for students who need to find information on something specific such as finding a doctor surgery, university related problems and so on. We make sure that all information given will assist the person who is calling. We also have an email service in which students who feel uncomfortable talking on the phone can email us with any issues and our volunteers will contact you within 48 hours.

As well as this we have an instant messenger service that is open from 8pm – 12am which again is for students who might feel uncomfortable talking on the phone, but this service leads to quicker replies. Again with all the services we offer all our volunteers are trained and confidential in the service we provide. Our ultimate aim is to provide all students with a service in which they feel supported and have someone to turn to when they need to. 

The contact details for our services are as follows:

Phone call service: 0114 222 8787

Information service: 0114 222 8788

Email service:

Instant Messenger service: Go to and click on tab which says instant messenger service.