Category Archives: Social activities

To help you settle into the UK and meet other students, we have arranged a number of social activities and events. All the activities are free unless otherwise stated.

Angklung demonstration

  • Friday 6 March
  • 5.30–7pm
  • Owen Building 221

The Indonesian Society introduce the angklung – a traditional musical instrument made of bamboo. Each beautiful angklung has a unique sound or note and you will have a chance to play them. The instrument is known as one of the national identities of Indonesia as well as locally in West Java.

Download the full list of SHU Fest events at

Simply SHU Fest!

A Sheffield Hallam University Press Release:

A weeklong celebration of dance, music, poetry and more is set to kick off on Monday to showcase the talent and diversity of the students and staff at Sheffield Hallam University.

SHU Fest is now in its fifth year and with 49 events planned, SHU Fest 2015 promises to be the biggest and the best yet.

An Omani fashion show, a Brazilian Carnival, Bollywood dancing and an Indonesian Angklung orchestra are just some of the exciting events on offer to the public from Monday until Sunday 8 March.

The festival kicks off with an Irish folk acoustic set by Emily Connor, president of the Students’ Union and her singing partner John Underhill. Meanwhile the Cocklebread Band of Sheffield Hallam staff will also quench the ears of folk and bluegrass fans.

A master class teaching people Portuguese in just 60 minutes and an Omani fashion show featuring the beautiful designs by student Hajar Alruzeigi takes place on Tuesday.

On Wednesday, Indonesian students will cook up their favourite recipes from back home and will teach others how. While national league champion ballroom dancer Fides Matzdorf, of Sheffield Business School, and his partner Ramen Sen, will perform on Thursday.

SHU Fest will culminate with a colourful celebration of the Holi Festival — a traditional Indian festival which marks the coming of spring with people throwing clouds of rainbow coloured powder at each other.

Throughout the week prizes will be on offer for the most original selfies posted using the hashtag #SHUfest and the location of Saturday’s city day trip will be decided by a public vote.

Samantha Jane Logan, one of the organisers at International Student Support, said: ‘Sheffield Hallam University has an amazing range of student talent from around the world. SHU Fest is a fantastic opportunity for students to get involved in something extra alongside their studies, showcase their cultural traditions from home and abroad, and gain additional experience to make their CV’s stand out. SHU Fest is one of the many exciting SHU GoGlobal projects which aim to broaden our students’ horizons and foster a feeling of community amongst our 34,000 students.”

2 weeks till SHU Fest 2015!

The SHU Fest events programme is here!  Download it now!

With only a fortnight left until the start of this amazing celebration of student and staff talent and diversity, make sure you’ve got the events and activities you want to see in your diaries (or phone calendar)!

You can also check the SHU Fest Facebook page for regular updates.

In the meantime, watch the SHU Fest 2015 preview video:

And remember…  take photos at all our SHU Fest events and tweet with the hashtag #SHUFest

selfie competition


Fairtrade Fortnight

Monday 23 February – Sunday 8 March

A fortnight dedicated to supporting Fairtrade and an opportunity to find out more about the organisation and what they do.

Over the two weeks there will be various events and activities, with fair trade themed stalls at HUBS, a promotion of Fairtrade products in Pod 4 and other activities and things to see around both of the university campuses.

Join Global Friends

The Global Friends project is where you can meet a British student socially and is a great way to get to know British culture and Sheffield too.  The British student may also ask you a few questions about the way English is taught in your home country as part of research they are undertaking.

If you are interested in this project please complete the online form:

It is VERY IMPORTANT that you ask an international friend to complete the form as well so they can join you at the meeting, so you must meet in groups of 2 or 3.  The British student will arrange the meeting at a time that is convenient to you both.

Language Week

9-13 February

A programme of events concerning language learning and intra-cultural communication, with performances, workshops and talks.

Monday 9 February, 5-6pm, The HUBS: Portuguese Workshop

The Brazilian Society give a short interactive introduction to Portuguese.


Tuesday 10 February, 3-4pm, The HUBS: Indigenous Language of Nigeria

The Nigerian society introduce the history and culture behind the three main indigenous languages of Nigeria, and teach some key phrases in each.


Friday 13 February, 6-10pm, The HUBS: ACS Take Me Out!

The Afro Caribbean Society’s annual Take Me Out event, based on the popular game show. Brush up on you intra-cultural communication skills with music and dancing.

Join Global Friends!

This scheme puts you in touch with local people to help you experience a taste of British life. They may take you for a coffee, to their favourite place in Sheffield or even invite you to their home. This is a great way to establish a lasting friendship.

Find out more by emailing

What our members say

International students

‘I had an unforgettable memory with my local friend. He took me to the bonfire party in Sheffield. I also visited Matt’s home. His Mum’s Yorkshire Puddings are the best in the world.’
Manice Cheng, Hong Kong


‘An eye opening and worthwhile experience that I would be very keen to repeat.’
Sarah Smith, UK