BAC wins prestigious human resources awards!

We are very pleased to be able to share the news that Botswana Accountancy College have won several awards at the Botswana Human Resource Development Skills fair and Careers Clinics!

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Here is what the BAC have to say about the event and the awards that they won:

“The BHRDS is one of the platforms we use to raise awareness about BAC and our programmes, to facilitate career advice and administer applications. We are proud to have obtained the 2017 Best Overall Exhibitor and first prize in the Local Public Institutions Awards!

To us this is a badge of honour and a demonstration of dedication and excellent team effort from all stakeholders. It is also motivation for the team to continue delivering quality tertiary education.”

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Congratulations to the team at BAC for the awards, a well deserved recognition of all of their hard work through the year.