All posts by David Powell

Maths Help during the resit period

Do you need any help with maths?


The ACES Faculty will be running some ‘Maths Help’ drop-in sessions just before and during the resits in July.

They will take place in the Adsetts Centre, Level 5.

The dates are as follows:

Thursday 9 July, 10am-12pm
Friday 10 July, 10am-12pm
Tuesday 14 July, 10am-12pm
Thursday 16 July, 10am-12pm
Monday 20 July, 10am-12pm
Tuesday 21 July, 10am-12pm

Careers Bootcamp for International Final Year Students

There’s still time to book onto the Careers Bootcamp for International Final Year Students.

  • Tuesday 23 June, 10am-2pm
  • The Careers & Employability Centre, Hallam Square, City Campus

We want you to feel professional so please note the dress code: smart/business wear preferred!

Here’s a sample of the topics which international bootcampers will all take part in:

  • hearing what employers really look for
  • job searching
  • CV review, drafting up a real application form

Opportunity for feedback in both small groups as well as individual support to reflect and write a useful career action plan.


Suitable ONLY for 2014-15 Final year ‘International’ students who DO clearly know what kind of sector/industry or job/role they are looking for – due to the types of vacancies this workshop will focus you towards.

For students who are unclear as to what career path to follow we suggest instead that you book a 1:1 Careers Guidance appointment via the Careers and Employability Centre (Tel 0114 225 3752).

We look forward to seeing you soon.

Book your place


Want to work in the UK after your studies?

Would you like some visa advice?
If yes, then book a place on our Working in the UK after studies workshop.

We will look at all the possible visa routes for international graduates into full time work including:

• Tier 2 Scheme
• Tier 1 graduate entrepreneur
• Tier 5

The workshop will also focus on how to improve your employability and how you can make the most out of your time at Sheffield Hallam University. We will explain the visa rules and how to maximise your chances of success.

The next workshops will take place in the Careers and Employability Centre (unless otherwise stated):

Is your visa due to expire soon?

If you do not book a one-to-one appointment to see an immigration adviser at least 2 weeks before your visa is due to expire, then we may not be able to assist you with your application and you will have to send your documents off yourself.

You must attend a group session before you can book a one-to-one appointment.

It is important that you attend a group session at least 2 months before your visa is due to expire. You will be unable to get a CAS application form if you have not attended a group session.

The next group sessions will be taking place as follows:


  • Tuesday 23 – 10am


  • Tuesday 7 – 10am
  • Tuesday 21 – 10am
  • Thursday 30 – 2pm

Please come to the Student Services Centre, Level 5 Owen or Heart of the Campus to book on to a group session.

Move to the Beat for Carers Week!

This week is Carers Week, an annual campaign to raise awareness of caring, highlight the challenges carers face and recognise the contribution they make to families and communities throughout the UK.

As part of this event, there will be a fun event taking place in Hallam Square, just outside the Owen building. This event is called ‘Move to the Beat’ and is an exciting, open-air drumming and dance workshop for carers of all ages as well as the general public.

More information about the event can be found here.

Help make Sheffield a carer-friendly city and come and join in or just watch and have fun.

If you would like more information about Carers Week, you can visit the Advice and Information team’s blog where you’ll find a post all about it!

This Week’s News

Friday 22 May 2015

In this week’s edition…

Student Voice

Is your visa due to expire soon? You must attend a group session.


Best wishes,
International Student Support Team

Understanding coping and wellbeing in International students

A Sheffield Hallam research team are looking for International students to participate in focus group discussions which will be about an hour in length.

This research aims to understand the experiences of International students coming to study at Sheffield Hallam University.  The researchers want to understand the challenges these students face and the positive experiences they have.

The groups will be held in the Owen Building on

Tuesday 26 May
Group 1: 1.30pm – 2.30pm
Group 2: 3pm – 4pm

Wednesday 27 May
Group 3:  2.30pm-3.30pm.

You will receive a certificate for attending. If you would like to participate please email Emma  at

The study has received ethical approval from SHU Research Ethics Committee. The research team are:

Dr Emma Kirkby-Geddes, Senior Researcher,
Professor Ann Macaskill
Dr Lisa Reidy
Dr John Reidy  jg.reidy



Sheffield Food Festival, 23 – 25 May

This weekend is the Sheffield Food Festival!

This 3 day celebration of food in all its many wonderful forms is not to be missed, and this year’s festival promises to be tastier than ever!


There will be a full artisan food market, street food vendors and a beer festival tent all lining Sheffield’s city centre streets.

You can even visit a chef demonstration tent to meet some of the city’s culinary experts, put questions to them and sample their creations.


Check out the Sheffield Food Festival website for all the details and to find out about the competitions you can enter, and you can download the Sheffield Food Festival Guide too. You can also follow Sheffield Food Festival on Twitter and Facebook so that you don’t miss a thing.

Enjoy the bank holiday weekend!

Summer is coming!

Not sure what to do this summer or just want some fun ideas?

The Students’ Union has created a ‘Summer of Fun’ guide to keep you busy and entertained throughout June, July and August and to help you make the most of your summer in Sheffield.


York Minster

Whether you want to discover more of the UK or get to know Sheffield and the local area better, there’s plenty to do! There are also some great opportunities to get more involved with the Students’ Union, try out new sports or play the ones you already love!

Sport Hallam-6-Team-GB-BB

You will find details of all of these activities and events in the guide here.

Stay safe and have fun!

Ice Club Xtra, Guest speaker, Paul Treherne, HSBC

  • Friday 5 June 2015
  • 3pm-4.30pm
  • Owen 1036

We are pleased to invite Paul Treherne to the University on Friday 5 June 2015. Paul is currently Service and Sales Manager at HSBC Sheffield and will talk to you about leading a team and delivering fantastic customer service.

This session is open to all students and will give a valuable insight into working in a large organisation and some valuable tips about dealing with customers.

To register for this event by emailing