Submission Guidelines and Key Dates

Submission Guidelines for the 15th Global Brand Conference

Authors wishing to present a competitive paper are invited to submit an extended abstract of no more than 1700 words by 16th November 2021

All submissions should be sent by email to

In your email, please state the names and affiliations of all authors. Filenames for attached papers should begin with the name of the lead author followed by a short title for the paper and the date of submission (i.e. ‘FIRST AUTHOR_SHORT PAPER TITLE_DATE’). The name of the lead author will then be removed prior to the paper being sent for review. All papers will be double-blind reviewed, so authors should not be identified within the text. If the paper is accepted for the conference, the authors will have the opportunity to revise their paper based on reviewer feedback.

Required Structure & Formatting

The extended abstract should be between 1,400–1,700 words (excluding references) and should follow the following structure:

  • Title, and Keywords (3–5)
  • Purpose
  • Methodology/Approach
  • Findings
  • Theoretical Implications
  • Practical Implications (if applicable)
  • Originality/Value
  • List of references

If your submission is a working paper, please indicate this in the relevant section (e.g., Findings) and provide as much detail/discussion as possible for the other sections.

Please respect the following formatting details:

  • File Naming: The files must contain the last name of the submitting author, the document name (author has free choice) and the date of submission. Example: lastname_documentname_date
  • Margins: Normal
  • Font Type & Size: Times New Roman, 12 pt
  • Line-spacing: 1.5
  • File Format: MS Word (i.e. .doc, .docx) or PDF.
  • References: Please follow the Harvard system.

Key Dates

Structured abstracts submission deadline 16th November 2021
Responses to authors tbc
Short abstracts (200 words) due tbc
Final submission of structured abstract tbc
15th Global Brand Conference, Sheffield, UK 4th – 6th May 2022