Scaffolding at Heart of Campus main entrance – Saturday 26 January

There will be scaffolding at the main entrance of Heart of Campus on Saturday while we replace a glazing unit.  This will not affect entry in or out of the building and the scaffolding will be cleared away by 5pm. If you have any concerns or questions about this work, please contact Neil Barstow on … Continue reading Scaffolding at Heart of Campus main entrance – Saturday 26 January

Lighting repairs in the Atrium – Saturday 2 and Saturday 9 February

We will be making some repairs to lights in the Atrium during February On Saturday 2 February, there will be work on level 5 around Cutting Edge. Scaffolding will be used around the catering outlet (which will be closed because it is a weekend). On Saturday 9 February, work will take place on level 2 … Continue reading Lighting repairs in the Atrium – Saturday 2 and Saturday 9 February

Remedial works to trees at Collegiate: Wednesday 16 January onwards

Planned remedial health and safety work on trees at Collegiate Crescent will begin on Wednesday 16 January. This may cause some noise disruption in some areas. As part of the work, nine infected trees will be removed and replaced by nine new trees. The work will last for approximately two months. Undertaking this work will … Continue reading Remedial works to trees at Collegiate: Wednesday 16 January onwards

Planned refurbishment Floor 11, Owen Building : Monday 14 January 2019 – Tuesday 5 March 2019

Part of the refurbishment works involves the upgrading of ceiling lighting throughout the floor. This is a roll out programme, with floor eleven being the first to be upgraded. This upgrade will run in conjunction with the refurbishment. Each room on floor eleven will be affected by this upgrade. The contractors, NRC Services Limited will … Continue reading Planned refurbishment Floor 11, Owen Building : Monday 14 January 2019 – Tuesday 5 March 2019

Stoddart car park closure: Friday 21 December-Thursday 3 January

Stoddart car park will be closed over the Christmas period, for security reasons. Staff and visitors will be unable to access the car park from the morning of Friday 21 December until the morning of Thursday 3 January. Any staff who have been issued with car park permits on the affected days are being advised directly … Continue reading Stoddart car park closure: Friday 21 December-Thursday 3 January

Owen and Norfolk Buildings, hot water isolation 10am Friday 7th December

Due to the need to repair a leak in the Owen Building the hot water will be isolated to Owen and Norfolk buildings from 10am today (Friday 7th December).  We hope to have the hot water back on by 1pm, assuming all goes to plan.  Apologies for the short notice and inconvenience.  It is unavoidable … Continue reading Owen and Norfolk Buildings, hot water isolation 10am Friday 7th December

Essential maintenance to the University’s high voltage network during Christmas closure period (27 December)

Power will be isolated to ALL AREAS of the following buildings during the Christmas closure period on Thursday 27 December for the approximate times (Adsetts 8.00am - 10.00am) Eric Mensforth 8.00am - 1.00pm) (Owen 9.30am - 11.30am) (Norfolk 10.30am - 12.30pm) (Cantor 11.30am - 1.00pm). We're sorry for any inconvenience caused during this time. Any … Continue reading Essential maintenance to the University’s high voltage network during Christmas closure period (27 December)