Balfour Beatty’s performance on the Charles Street build continues to be making good progress and the building is on schedule to be ready for teaching on 18 January 2016. The Faculty is in discussions with FD about how teaching can be scheduled from this date; further information on this will be shared within the Faculty over the coming weeks.

There are 195 Balfour Beatty operatives working on site, a significant increase compared to what we have seen, and what we would expect at this point in the project.

The significant news in this communication is that the crane was successfully removed from the building last Sunday. The achievement of this was dependent on the weather and a delay could have impacted on the project’s overall timeline- so we are relieved that the weather worked in our favour.

Areas in the building are now being decorated, carpets are being laid and light fittings installed. You can also see the progress being made on the Corin Mellor bridge link and other parts of the building as the scaffolding comes down.

As communicated with the Faculty, we have decided to bring forward the works in the Arundel Building and are appreciative of the Faculty’s cooperation with this. These works, and associated staff moves, are an essential part of the development. Bringing them forward will help us with our contingency planning in the event that the 18 January date is missed and allows us to have these works completed in time for semester 2 teaching.