Below are a couple of important updates from the Shaping Futures pillar which you may have missed.
First is the call out for Hallam Guild projects – deadline this Friday, 4th May. The aim of the Hallam Guild is to support the enhancement of a culture of educational excellence in the University by investing in the establishment of a strong professional community focused on building and sharing best practice. To this end funding is being made for projects which support: extended/foundation or ‘top up’ degrees; post graduate student engagement; getting published; digital engagement; active Hallam and continuous improvement.
To find out more and for details on how to apply, read the all staff message from Provost Christina Hughes.
Second is a new intranet site providing details on the Employability Plan. The site provides information and resources relating to the Employability Plan and the three strands of the Employability Promise, and includes all current Faculty Employability Partnership Agreements (EPAs). More details are available in the full message from Conor Moss, Director of Education and Employer Partnerships.
All updates relating to this pillar can be found on the Shaping Futures Pillar Hub.