IDAHoBiT talk: How Human Rights Law Can Unite Vulnerable Groups

The below talk is one of the events taking place at SHU to mark International Day Against Homophobia Biphobia & Transphobia.

Standing Together Against Hate: How Human Rights Law Can Unite Vulnerable Groups

Dr Rebecca Wright

Thursday 17th May, 12pm-1pm

Peak Lecture Theatre, Sheffield Hallam University

Dr. Rebecca Wright is a criminal barrister and a human rights lecturer at SHU. She worked as an international human rights lawyer, principally in the Middle East and across Africa, for 6 years.

In this talk, Dr. Rebecca Wright will explore the ways in which human rights law can unite vulnerable groups, strengthening efforts to end discrimination. She will describe some of the leading cases and campaigns she has worked on that aimed to challenge homophobia, biphobia and transphobia and how networks of solidarity were created to support this work. Finally, she will discuss three current international campaigns promoting LGBT rights that have successfully built alliances of support.

Book here: