We are bringing staff together to join #TeamHallam and run the Sheffield Half Marathon on Sunday 8 April 2018 for the Hallam Fund. Last year 40 staff set off on the picturesque route from Sheffield and raised almost £4,000 to support our students. Some of our 2017 team are back for more running and fundraising this year – will you join them?
By taking part, you will be raising money to support our students from care backgrounds, those estranged from their families and young carers to help improve social inclusion and ensure family breakdown does not act as a barrier to education, opportunity and success. Funds raised last year had a great impact and helped launch the Estranged Student Transition Fund which meant Josie (who has been estranged from her family since she was 14) had help to move to Sheffield to start her course.
Joining #TeamHallam means you benefit from discounted race entry and 2 months free membership to Hallam Active – including access to all fitness classes, the City Athletic Stadium, access to physio and personal training advice. You will also be supported to fundraise throughout the campaign.
Even if you do not take part in the event, you can still support your colleagues who are and donate to the Hallam Fund. The team target is £5000, please donate here: https://www.justgiving.com/campaigns/charity/sheffieldhallamuni/teamhallam2018. If you have already secured your place for the half marathon, it is not too late to join #TeamHallam.
If you would like to get involved and support the Hallam Fund, please e mail Louise Syder l.syder@shu.ac.uk in the Development and Alumni Relations Office by Friday 9 February.