Core HR system upgrade: planned downtime (18-26 January)

Following successful testing towards the end of 2017, we are preparing to upgrade the Core HR system from later this week. The upgraded system takes advantage of the latest platform which will enhance system security and will allow new functionality to be deployed in the future.

As a result of this major upgrade the system requires essential downtime. During this time there will be no access to Core Employee Portal, Manager Portal or back office and all user accounts will be locked.

All Core Portal functions will not be available from 5pm on Thursday 18 January until Friday 26 January.

Portal Function What do I need to do?
View payslip Payslips will be available from 11am on 17 January. Please ensure that you have checked/downloaded your January payslip by 5pm on Thursday 18 January.
Course bookings Please check any details of courses you have booked onto before 5pm on Thursday 18 January.
Applying for jobs None of our vacancies will close during the planned downtime or immediately after, to allow time for applicants to apply. If you have applied for a job or have an interview to prepare for please ensure that you download the job information before 5pm on Thursday 18 January.
Timesheet claims There is no change to the deadline for claims submitted via Core Portal.
Manager Portal If you are a line manager please read the detailed HR Brief which will be emailed to you this week, and will then also be available here.

As a result of this system downtime, the deadline for all manager requests that need to be actioned for February payroll has been extended. These will need to be fully approved by Tuesday 30 January.

A message will be posted on the staff intranet homepage to confirm when the system has been made available to all users.

If you have any queries about the information provided above, please contact the HR Administration Team on extension 4908 or email ! HR Admin