Sheffield Hospitals Charity is seeking to appoint a Chair designate and 2 x Trustees
Do you want to make a real difference to the lives of patients in Sheffield and across our region?
Sheffield Hospitals Charity helps patients being treated for almost every condition across all of the Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust sites. We work with our NHS partners to provide an outstanding healthcare experience, with the best possible outcome, for our patients. We improve the care and treatment of thousands of patients by investing over £2 million a year in equipment, research, people, patient support services and the transformation of our hospital environments.
To help us achieve more, we are seeking to appoint a Chair designate to succeed our present Chair, Phil Taylor. We are also seeking to appoint 2 Trustees who may be a well networked business leader in Sheffield and someone who has high level fundraising/marketing/communications skills and experience.
The roles are unpaid, but will be a rewarding and fulfilling experience. We want our Board to be as diverse as the communities we serve and therefore particularly welcome applications from the local Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities, and those with a disability.
Informal enquiries can be directed to Phil Taylor, Chair on 07771 843 916 or David Reynolds, Executive Director on 0114 2266722 or 07772 817265 or david.reynolds@shct.nhs.uk .
Closing date for applications is 9am Monday 13 November 2017. Interviews on 24 November 2017.
For an application pack, please click on the links below;