Student Funding and Access Support has recently undertaken a service review to reflect on the progress we have made as a team in our first year of operation, and also to consider our priorities in light of the new University Strategy. We are holding a series of staff briefings to give an overview of this work and also to detail of some of the changes to our service offer which will happen as a result.
Just turn up, no need to book
- Thursday 25 May, 2pm – 3pm, HC.0.17, Heart of the Campus, Collegiate
- Friday 2 June, 2pm – 3pm, Charles Street 12.2.10, City Campus
Service changes
From 15 May we will be launching a new one to one support offer for students. The current Student Funding Drop in and Individual Support appointments offered by the team will be replaced by 1 hour Initial Guidance appointments for help with
- In depth scholarship and bursary queries
- In depth hardship fund queries
- financial capability and money skills
Through our Initial Guidance appointments students in certain priority groups will also be able to access
- Pastoral support – e.g. supported referrals to relevant internal and external agencies and peer support or other bespoke activities (mature students, care leavers, carers and estranged students)
- Support with in depth SFE / NHS funding enquiries (care leavers, carers and estranged students)
We will continue to work closely with our colleagues in Student Help and the Student’s Union Advice Service to ensure that students with finance questions are triaged effectively into the most appropriate service.
We recognise the key role that other services play in supporting our work and always welcome feedback to help us to shape and improve our services in the future. Do feel free get in touch if you have any questions or comments about the attached and also please cascade this information to your staff or other key contacts as appropriate.