Staff are invited to join a Learning Spaces Walk at Sheffield Hallam on Wednesday 31 May, 1 – 2 pm at the Cutting Edge, Owen Building, City Campus.
This swiftly moving event is designed to create a structure to discuss the role of ‘place’ in our student’s learning experience and provides an excellent CPD and networking opportunity for academic staff. The walk will be led by Jeff Waldock (National Teaching Fellow) and will begin at the Cutting Edge, moving on to visit four further spaces on City Campus within the hour.
This event forms part of a national Learning Spaces Walk being organised by Andrew Middleton from Learning Enhancement and Academic Development, and coincides with a similar event being held at Edge Hill University on the same day.
How you can get involved:
- Register your interest by emailing shucpd@shu.ac.uk so that we have an idea of expected numbers
- Follow these Twitter hashtags and contribute to the conversation before and during the event: #SIGCLANS #MELSIG
On the day:
- Please meet at the Cutting Edge, ready for a prompt start at 1pm
- Join in the Twitter conversation using the hashtags above