The Directorate of Global Engagement are inviting staff to answer a questionnaire about their experience of Erasmus staff mobility. Any member of staff may complete the questionnaire and it is just as important to hear from staff who have never heard of Erasmus staff mobility, or have not had the opportunity to take it up, as from staff who have participated.
This is part of a survey being carried out in 10 European countries through an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership project called REALISE – Realising the potential of the international mobility of staff in higher education – which aims to improve the implementation and recognition of Erasmus staff mobility in European HEIs.
The questionnaire covers perception, satisfaction, main drivers, principal benefits, remaining obstacles and other issues in HE staff experience of Erasmus staff mobility. The data will contribute to a comparative analysis drawing on the findings from all participating countries, and from there to the development of training tools to help institutions develop Erasmus staff mobility.
The questionnaire can be found at http://realise.questionpro.com/ and should take about 15 minutes to complete. The deadline for completion is Wednesday 31 May.
Please contact Sarah Bradley in Global Engagement on extension 4662 with any questions.