The University staff email system is moving to a new version of Exchange in Office 365 hosted online (in the cloud). This gives individuals considerably larger mailbox space as well as easier access from mobile devices such as tablets and mobile phones. It also offers cost savings for the University.
Digital Technology Services is rolling this out to different areas of the University in stages and all staff will have the new version of Exchange in the next couple of months. DTS, LEAD, L3S, DEEP, STEER and RIO have already moved across and other directorates are moving later this month. Faculties will be migrated in Summer.
There is information about email in Office 365 on the DTS blog and the drop in sessions below have been organised to give staff an opportunity to see a demonstration and ask questions about it. If you would like to attend, please book a place using the link.
• Monday 15th May 10am – 11am – Howard 5421
• Friday 19th May 10am – 11am – Owen 744
• Monday 22nd May 10 – 11am – Collegiate Main Building D002
• Thursday 25th May 10am – 11am – Collegiate Main Building D002