8 March 2017 marks the 108th observed International Women’s Day.
International Women’s Day is about unity, reflection, appreciation, respect, advocacy and action. Across the globe, thousands of events and activities are taking place in the celebration and recognition of women – and men – who continue to call for equality.
This year’s theme is ‘Be Bold for Change’ – it is a call on us all to help forge a better working world – a more gender inclusive world. International Women’s Day – #BeBoldForChange
Sheffield Hallam is an active participant. In celebration and recognition of International Women’s Day we have a variety of events that are open to our staff, our students, our researchers and our wider communities.
We also asked you to nominate women, both inside and outside of the University, you believed had made a difference, had made an impact, are committed to making a change – and are bold enough to do so.
To view these women’s stories – and why they were nominated – please visit https://www.shu.ac.uk/iwd2017. All the events that are taking place are can also be found here.