There will be some significant work between Friday 3 and Sunday 5 March to improve the University’s network, increase resilience of our IT services and provide the capacity necessary to handle future requirements. This work will impact the following IT services:
Friday 3 March, 6 – 8pm – Owen and Oneleven buildings. Service outage affecting all network based IT services CCTV, BMS and VoIP in these buildings. IT Services in other areas will not be impacted.
Friday 3 March 6pm – Sunday 5 March 8pm service outage in the Surrey Building level 4 for all network based IT Services, including CCTV, BMS, and VoIP. Access to Surrey levels 3 and 4 will be restricted to allow work to take place. IT services in other areas will not be impacted.
All day on Saturday 4 March, major work to upgrade to our internet connection from 1 gig to 10 gig will necessitate interruptions during the morning to IT services on and off campus and internet based services will be at risk all day. The new configuration is being thoroughly tested beforehand and support is in place for implementation of the change but there will be some short interruptions (a few minutes) to IT services on Saturday morning. While the change is implemented and tested, all internet based IT services (except shu.ac.uk) will be at risk all day – our priority will be to ensure the future resilience of the internet link before we restore services. Please try to avoid using the network for anything important during this time.