Programme to update University signage during 2017

As part of our Wayfinding strategy, a programme to update and refresh signage across both City and Collegiate campuses is continuing during 2017.

This will involve updating door plates, directional signage, building directories and external signage on all our buildings to ensure it meets our brand criteria and reflects changes in our estate and accommodation.

The current schedule for when this work is being undertaken in individual buildings is available on the intranet and will be updated as more dates are confirmed. You can also find the name of your local contact in the event of any immediate queries.

Work in each building should take no more than 2-3 weeks, and will be completed floor-by-floor so no building will be left without effective signage. There may be some intermittent noise disturbance in and around offices and teaching spaces as contractors undertake this work but this should be short-lived.

We have worked with our local accommodation reps to identify where signage needs to be updated. However we will be conducting a final audit of all our signage at the end of the project to identify and rectify any outstanding issues. The whole project is expected to take the remainder of this year to complete.