Hospitality masterclass event – History of British cheese

Wednesday 22 February, 6.30 – 8.30pm, Owen 1239

We have an extra special treat for all cheese lovers.  Andy Swinscoe, owner of The Courtyard Dairy in Settle, is the host for this masterclass.  An alumni of Hallam, Andy has gained international acclaim in the world of cheese, winning many awards including the 2013 World Cheese Awards Cheesemonger of the Year; and more recently 2016 Farm Shop and Deli Awards Cheesemonger of the Year.

This will be a great opportunity to taste some fantastic British cheeses, personally selected by Andy, as he provides a thoroughly engaging history of British cheese.

For more information and bookings please contact James Ellerby at  This is a ticket only event and tickets must be bought in advance.  Places are limited, so book early to avoid disappointment.