Creative Careers Week 2017

If you have students who are looking to make an informed decision about their future career within the creative industries then make sure they attend Creative Careers Week 2017 (CCW17).

Taking place from Monday 6 to Friday 10 February at the Careers and Employability Centre, CCW17 is a full week of talks, presentations and various workshops from industry professionals across the creative industries discussing their careers, how they started, what it’s like working in the industry and the realities of working on a freelance basis.

Guests include a graphic designer, jewellery designer, photographer, illustrator, fine artist, creative writers and bloggers.

Also, a panel of current placement year students will be able to provide a useful insight into the placement year experience and tips on how to make the most of it.

The week will also include tours of local art studios, CV and portfolio clinics for students across all years of study to access and gain vital advice and information about progressing within the creative industries.