Demystifying DLHE and understanding meaningful data

Friday 9 December 10.30 – 11.30, Charles Street, 12.6.06

Following on from the successful Not Just Numbers event held in July 2016, the Student Engagement, Evaluation and Research (STEER) directorate is launching the first of our programme of development events for this academic year.  All are aimed at meeting your needs for evidence-informed practice.

The Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education Survey is currently taking place, running from 10 November 2016, until 7 March 2017. Do you know what is asked in the DLHE survey? Do you know what your graduates are doing now they have left? Do you know how to find and use the results from the survey?

This 1 hour workshop will look at how the DLHE results are collected, how to access results including competitors and sector benchmarking data and practical ways you can help to improve your DLHE results.

This workshop will help participants understand DLHE better and demystify some common misconceptions with this graduate outcomes survey. Understanding your DLHE results can also help to plan interventions and actions with current students.

Modified workshops are also available for Departments and Course Teams interested in understanding their own results.

To book your free place, please visit our Eventbrite page  from where you can also read about our full list of workshops. Visit our blog at where you can find details about this celebratory event, other courses and further aspects of the Directorate’s provision.

For information regarding DLHE please visit the webpage, or email: