Police and Crime Plan Survey

The Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC), Dr Alan Billings, sets the Police and Crime Plan for South Yorkshire Police and Partners to follow.
The PCC is currently working on a new Police and Crime Plan for his 4 year term of office, the PCC uses this plan to hold the Chief Constable to account for the delivery of policing services in South Yorkshire. Restoring public trust and confidence is going to form a large part of the new plan and in developing a strategy and way forward it is important for the PCC to understand where we are now and what impacts on your opinion of trust and confidence in policing.
We would like to hear your thoughts on policing in South Yorkshire and what you feel are new or emerging priorities so that this can influence priorities in the Police and Crime Plan.  To take part in the consultation please visit our online survey page.  The survey results will help us identify what impacts on confidence in policing and will help us identify how we can improve the service to the public of South Yorkshire and as such include that information in the design Police and Crime Plan to improve policing for communities in South Yorkshire.
You can also contact the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner on 0114 296 4150, by email on consultation@southyorkshire-pcc.gov.uk or by Twitter @SYPCC.  The South Yorkshire Police Engagement Team will also be attending events throughout South Yorkshire over the coming weeks and more information on where you can meet with the team will be published on Twitter.