Developing digitally-capable teaching excellence

Thursday 24 November, 10am – 12pm, Aspect Court-15202

This is part of a programme of development events from the directorate of Student Engagement, Evaluation and Research (STEER) and follows on from the successful Not Just Numbers event held in July. All are aimed at meeting your needs for evidence-informed practice.

This celebratory event introduces the evidence-informed QAA 2016 Guidelines for Developing Digitally-Capable Teaching Excellence, which draws on recently commissioned research and latest thinking from a range of experts in the sector. The project aimed to explore how digital capability can promote teaching excellence. The work included expert stakeholders from across the sector who contributed to the evidence-base as part of an integrative review. The research team are launching the published findings in a report which outlines good practice guidelines to shape relevant approaches between institutions, staff, students and wider stakeholders. The ensuing Guidelines for Developing Digitally-Capable Teaching Excellence are purposely broad to enable wide transferability across the sector.

Please join us from 9.30am for refreshments. A 2 hour workshop will commence at 10am and will provide discursive starting points for developing ideas concerning the effective integration of digital capability and teaching within your own context. Lunch will be provided from 12pm with an opportunity to network and share practice with colleagues.

To book your free place, please visit our Eventbrite page from where you can also read about our full list of workshops Visit our blog at where you can find details about this celebratory event, other courses and further aspects of the Directorate’s provision.

If you wish to discuss anything further related to this launch event and workshop, please email us at: