University Alliance events with the British Academy

Sheffield Hallam has recently joined up with the British Academy and host universities to explore the topics of interdisciplinary and international research through two events aimed at academics and research managers.  The first will be held in Bristol and will include focus on interdisciplinary research while the second event will be held in Salford and will explore international research:

Please note that places are limited on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Both events will:

  • highlight British Academy funding opportunities available for researchers and give insight into successful bids
  • explore policy and structural problems around international or interdisciplinary research and share best practice on how these can be overcome
  • share best practice between researchers working on either interdisciplinary and international projects.

These events will be a great opportunity for colleagues from our institutions to get to meet British Academy colleagues and hear about the funding opportunities and support available. They will also include research showcases and presentations from active researchers and Academy award holders from the surrounding regions.

For further information or if you have any questions please contact