Participants wanted: managing technologies around work and life

Researchers in C3RI are conducting an interview study exploring how people manage work and life demands and how digital technologies might play a role in this.

We are seeking participants who are over 18 years of age, currently working (either full-time or part-time) in a knowledge-intensive field and based in the Sheffield area. We are not recruiting SHU staff, but we would be grateful if you could pass on this call to your social and family circle.

Participants will be interviewed once and the interview is expected to last between 40 and 90 minutes. The interview will be audio recorded and all responses will be confidential.

All participants will be thanked for their participation with a £20 Amazon voucher and a USB key.

The study has been fully approved by the Sheffield Hallam University’s Research Ethics Committee and is supported by the EPSRC Balance Network. Full information on the project is available at:

If you would like to recommend a participant or to ask further questions about this study, please contact either Dr. Luigina Ciolfi ( or Dr. Ellie Lockley (