Development event: Using module evaluation predictively

Tuesday 15 November, 12.30-14.30 in Aspect Court-15204

Following on from the successful Not Just Numbers event held in July 2016, the Student Engagement, Evaluation and Research (STEER) directorate is launching the first of our programme of development events for this academic year. All are aimed at meeting your needs for evidence-informed practice.

Using module evaluation predictively considers how you can use results at modular level to drive course improvement.

It is a 2 hour workshop that examines available reporting tools for module evaluation purposes and how you can use some emergent trends predictively. For example: you can find out if there are any obvious aspects emerging from module evaluations that can be used as signifiers of success at course level or as early warning signals that might require timely intervention.

From participation in this event, you will gain an enhanced understanding of how evaluation at modular level can assist course improvement and planning.

It should be of particular interest to course and module teams.

We can also offer the Module evaluation: good practice in the sector workshop – which takes place in January 2017 – as a companion activity.

To book your free place, please visit our blog at where you can find details of this and other courses and further aspects of the Directorate’s provision. If you wish to discuss anything further related to this workshop, please email us at:

Read our full list of workshops and visit our Eventbrite page to book your free place.