International Women’s Day (IWD) falls on 8 March each year and is a global celebration of respect, appreciation and recognition of women, while continuing to highlight and strive for greater equality.
Thousands of events occur to mark the economic, political and social achievements of women and Sheffield Hallam University is an active participant.
Last year the theme was ‘Pledge for Parity’ and SHU organised a number of activities and events – many of which focused on recognising the work and impactful contributions SHU employees, students, alumni members and women across our region have achieved (and continue to do so!).
Please view the pages below to see what was accomplished:
International Women’s Day 2016 | Sheffield Hallam University
Equality: the big picture | International Women’s Day
The events and activities were really appreciated and feedback extremely positive. Our IWD success is very much attributed to the commitment and support provided by a group of volunteers whose ideas and actions made it happen.
We would like to build on this success and create a calendar of events, activities and initiatives which contribute towards achieving greater parity and appreciation.
If you would like to be part of a cross-University team please contact Catherine Leeman on Ext: 3943 or c.leeman@shu.ac.uk
Our first meeting will take place on 7 November (2.30 – 3.30). ALL ideas, input, support, is appreciated and ALL are welcome!