Password advice

At this time of year, the IT Help support phone line is particularly busy. Forgotten passwords is one of the main start of term issues which need dealing with so please use this advice wherever possible.

You can reset your password yourself, using the link whenever you want – even if you are off campus.  You can only reset your password once in a 24 hour period though and you will need to have set up your password reset questions and answers before you can use it – if you haven’t done that yet, you can do it now using the same link.

Please use the self-service route where possible and encourage students to do the same.  It’s straightforward, quick and frees up our phone lines for students and staff who need help with more complex issues.

When you change your password, don’t forget to alter it on all your connected devices (mobile phones, tablets and laptops) otherwise you may lock yourself out of your IT account.  You might also be using it on email client apps, mobile Wi-Fi access, mobile phone jabber accounts as well as cloud apps such as Office 365 or Google apps.  It might help to make a list of everything you use your password for so that you remember where to change it each time.

You can check which devices you have the Outlook mail app installed on by using Outlook Web App.   Once you’ve logged in, go to the top right corner under your name and click options.  Drop down to ‘See all options’ and select ‘Phone’ in the left hand menu.  A list of the phones and tablets running the app will appear.