New assessment resource for students

A new resource ‘Assessment4Students’ is now available to provide students with guidance and support around assessment.

Over the last year, the Assessment Journey Programme Team has been consulting Hallam students through a series of workshops to ascertain student needs and requirements to improve understanding of the assessment process, and design preferences.

Students can now access the following throughout the academic year:

  • frequently-asked questions about assessment
  • how to develop their academic skills
  • guidance on submitting work and sitting exams
  • how to access marks and use feedback effectively
  • how to provide feedback about your course
  • University assessment regulations
  • and much more

The resource will be widely promoted to students at the start of the academic year through direct email, Course Leader inductions, Blackboard, shuspace, helpdesk material, TV screens, desktop screensavers and social media.

We’d value your feedback – contact us at ! Assessment Journey Programme