Enrolment events are taking place between 19 – 23 September over three venues (Hallam Hall, Eric Mensforth Building and Heart of the Campus). We have also been supporting both new and returning students with enrolment since 16 August. By the end of the week we expect to have enrolled approximately 8,000 students face-to-face and responded to a high level of email and phone queries.
The enrolment process is managed by Registry Services and staffed with the additional support of volunteers from across the University. This year we have volunteers from a wide range of University areas including Marketing, Finance, Corporate Systems, Faculty Student Services and Governance and Planning Services.
If any students have a query about enrolment, please direct them to the following information:
Enrolment Help
Email: webenrolhelp@shu.ac.uk
Phone: 0114 478 1478
Phone lines will be open 9am – 5pm, Monday – Friday.
Pre-enrolment lab (face-to-face help with the pre-enrolment process)
Open 5 – 23 September in Owen 322 from 9am – 5pm
Or direct to the enrolment website at: https://students.shu.ac.uk/shuspacecontent/my_course/enrolment-201617