Thursday 15 September, 11am – 5pm at the Peak Lecture Theatre
Britain is leaving the European Union. The effects of this on various areas of social and economic policy have been hotly debated in recent weeks, but what about language policy? This one-day conference – sponsored by the Humanities Research Centre at Sheffield Hallam – will bring together specialists to reflect on their area of expertise and its links to EU funding and regulations etc., and to consider what effects Brexit might have.
Presentations will include discussion of civic discourse around language purism, the long-mooted UK Bill of Rights in relation to language, the changing nature of language education (from primary to university level), and even what we can learn from Harry Potter. Quite a selection.
Given how recently the referendum took place, this event is not about presenting ‘research findings’ as such, or fully thought out solutions. It’s more for thinking through possible consequences of Brexit on various aspects of UK language policy.
The event is open to academics, practitioners, policy-makers, and other interested parties. Lunch and a reception will be provided. The event will be free if there are fewer than 50 attendees. Above that, a small fee will be needed to cover catering.
The deadline for registering as a non-presenting attendee is Thursday 8 September. Please register now to attend.