Yoga practice both relaxes and energises the body and mind and brings vitality, flexibility, strength, concentration, self-confidence and mental calm.
Iyengar Yoga is a carefully graded and systematic teaching programme that makes yoga accessible to everyone, even those with injuries or who feel unfit, and allows yoga students to progress and practise safely.
Pascale Vacher is a fully certified Iyengar yoga teacher. She teaches evening and weekend classes at Silverdale School (Bents Green).
Terms and Conditions
FREE first yoga class or 20% discount on first block of classes for staff on production of a valid SHU card. You must be new to the yoga classes in Silverdale School. This offer expires at the end of Oct 2016 and is subject to availability in relevant classes.
For more information visit the website http://yogasheffield.org/venue/silverdale-school/ or email Pascale at Pascale_Vacher@yahoo.co.uk