Charles Street, which opened in April as the new home for the Sheffield Institute of Education, has been shortlisted for the ‘Best Building’ award in the Sheffield Design Awards 2016.
The biennial awards, run by the Sheffield Civic Trust, celebrate design excellence in architecture and the built environment in and around Sheffield. This year the Design Awards have united with Sheffield Design Week (21-30 October) to form a key event as part of the week of celebration of design excellence across the city region.
There were a record number of entries in this year’s awards, so to be shortlisted in a very competitive field is a real coup. The judges will visit Charles Street on 31 August before the winner is announced at an awards ceremony in October – which is itself taking place at the University’s very own head Post Office, now the Sheffield Institute of Arts.
If we’re successful in our category, Charles Street will then have the chance to win the Outstanding Project of the Year award. It will also be put forward for the people’s choice award, which is open to the public vote.