What Hallam students do after graduation

Are you interested in accessing information about what recent graduates were doing 6 months after graduation? Destinations data is collected from all recent graduates who are invited to take part in the national Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education survey (DLHE). This is an annual survey and all graduates are invited to complete it (UK, EU, Overseas, undergraduate, postgraduate, full-time and part-time).

Results are available to all SHU staff via the Source which shows the proportion of graduates who are in employment, or who undertook a further course of study. It also includes sector data so you can see DLHE data comparisons with competitor institutions.

For the general public, DLHE results are available on Careers Central.

Course-specific flyers to use with current and potential students

Flyers are available for everyone to download and can be used in discussions with potential students (e.g. at Clearing or Open Days), current students as well as graduates who have left SHU and are wondering what to do next.

Flyers are available at Departmental level and Course level (if there are enough respondents)

The flyers show key stats such as percentage of graduates in work or further study, top employers, job titles and average salaries of our graduates who are in work. They show more information than is available on Unistats/KIS websites.

Please visit Careers Central to download the flyers for your course/department.  For further information about this survey, please contact dlhe@shu.ac.uk