POSTPONED: Launch of the SHU Parental Returners Network

Unfortunately we have had to postpone the launch of the Parental Returners Network Launch and will now be holding a session early in the new academic year 2016/17. Please keep a lookout for details in eview and other internal communications.

Day: Wednesday 29 June 2016
Time: 12 – 2pm
Venue: Charles Street 12.2.20, City Campus

The launch will be a drop-in session over the lunchtime period where you will be able to take part in workshops to explore experiences of returning to work from different perspectives as well as have an opportunity to network with colleagues.

The SHU Parental Returners Network is a new staff network and is open to all staff returning to work from all types of parental leave – maternity, adoption, shared, and is inclusive of all families including single parents, same sex parents and extended families.

If you would like to come along for some or all of the session please contact Trish Elwis as soon as possible on to register your interest and give us an idea of numbers.

We can provide refreshments but you will need to bring your own lunch.