Travel survey results

In January, the sustainability team invited all University staff to take part in a business travel survey.  This was the first time the University has carried out this survey. It aimed to:

  • Establish a baseline for staff travel
  • Inform our future transport strategy
  • Monitor awareness of current initiatives

There was a great response with almost a quarter of staff (1,168) taking part. The results have provided valuable information about staff travel and their motivations for choosing particular modes. It has also provided indications of the University’s environmental impacts arising from staff travel, and given a benchmark for annual carbon emissions.

A report looking at the results of the survey and providing key findings from analysis of the data is available to download.

The survey results have been shared with internal and external stakeholders and are being used to build a business case to negotiate better staff discounts with transport providers.  An action plan for transport is in also development which will allow the team to focus its efforts, reflecting the key areas staff highlighted in the survey.

For questions regarding the travel survey contact the sustainability team or for sustainability issues find your local Green Champion.

Useful links based on your feedback: