Homelessness charity Depaul UK is looking for volunteer hosts in Sheffield for an emergency accommodation service for young people that it is setting up in the city. Nightstop Sheffield, a new service funded by a £200,000 grant from players of People’s Postcode Lottery, will provide overnight accommodation in the homes of trained and vetted volunteers in the area.
The Sheffield service will be the 34th member of Depaul UK’s Nightstop network which covers much of the UK. At each service, volunteer hosts provide a room, evening meal and a listening ear to a young homeless person for a night at a time in their own home.
Nightstop teams work with homeless young people, in partnership with local agencies, to help them address the issues that caused them to become homeless, providing family mediation and securing long-term settled accommodation.
If you would like to find out more about volunteering for Nightstop Sheffield, please call 07918 904661 or email amy.smith@depaulcharity.org.uk