The University’s Student Records system SITS, which includes the web interface SITS Online (staff users) and My Student Record – MSR (student users), is due to be upgraded as part of the annual upgrade cycle. The system will not be available to staff or students from Friday 15 April to Sunday 17 April (inclusive) while the upgrade takes place; we expect the system to be available again by noon on Monday 18 April (if it’s earlier, we will let users know).
All students and SHU staff with an enabled SITS/SITS Online account have been notified of the system downtime by email and messages are currently being displayed on the SITS Online/MSR and shuspace login pages, University TV screens and screensavers. The Registry Services SITS Help team who provide support for student systems and process related enquiries will use the SITS Incident Update to keep staff users informed of progress during the upgrade and have provided a summary of the changes on the Student Process Update blog.
For more information please see the previous Eview post or contact the SITS Help team via ! SITS Help or ext 4475.