Developing Your Research Career

Monday 18 April, 1pm – 4pm at Creative Lounge, The Workstation

This conference provides the opportunity to gain insights from the research career of the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Chris Husbands and from Professor Paul Harrison, our PVC Research and Innovation. Professor Harrison will provide an update on research and innovation at the University.

The half-day session is aimed at established researchers, early career researchers, doctoral researchers, and those academics engaging with research for the first time or returning after an absence.

The event’s programme is as follows:

  • 1pm – Welcome by Professor Ann Macaskill
  • 1.05 – 2pm – My Research Career and Advice on Developing Yours, Professor Chris Husbands
  • 2 – 2.20pm –  Tea and coffee break
  • 2.20 – 3.20pm – Research and Innovation: update, Professor Paul Harrison
  • 3.20 – 3.45pm – Research CPD Pathways, Dr Keith Fildes
  • 3.45 – 4pm – Developing Research Impact – New Epigeum Online Course, Professor Ann Macaskill

Reserve your place at this conference by going to: You do not need to print out the ticket generated through your booking.