A new online solution, BeOnline, has replaced the DSEasy eLearning course to provide an understanding of how to use Display Screen Equipment (DSE) safely. It also covers hot-desking, dual screens and mobile technology such as tablets, smartphones and laptops. It is easy to access and takes little time to complete.
If you have completed DSE online training before, a link to BeOnline will be emailed to you if it has been two years since you last completed your training. If you have not completed DSE training before, a link will be sent to you over the next few months. If you would like to complete it now please email us at ! H&S General Enquiries.
PLEASE NOTE: The BeOnline email will be sent from BeOnline Sheffield Hallam University Health and Safety Management System <mail@awaken-be-com> and not from a University address, please do not delete this email or mark it as spam.
The BeOnline DSE course is a mandatory course for staff who regularly use DSE and it’s your responsibility to do it. If you are a manager, it’s your responsibility to make sure your staff complete it. We will be switching on a managers notifications function in early April. This will send you reports to tell you who in your team needs to carry out the training. Please look out for those reports and help us to enable your staff to work safely.
Please note that BeOnline also incorporates mandatory staff fire awareness training. If you have any queries regarding BeOnline please email us at ! H&S General Enquiries or speak to a member of the team.