Following the launch of the Curriculum View in March, we are pleased to announce that a number of open roadshows will take place across the university from April 2016.
If you haven’t seen Curriculum View in action, come along to one of our demonstrations, where staff will be available to take you through how it works and help you to understand how you can use it in your role. The dates are :
Wednesday 6 April, 1 –3pm, 7139 Stoddart Building
Friday 8 April, 12.30 – 2.30pm, HC.0.07, Heart of the Campus
Monday 11 April, 12.30 – 2.30pm, 433 Robert Winston Building
Wednesday 13 April, 12.30 – 2.30pm Owen 222, Atrium area
These are open sessions so no need to book, just drop in and see us at your convenience.
As a reminder, all staff can access the Curriculum View which is available from the staff intranet home page via the SITS Online link at the top of the page. Some of the benefits include:
- Personalised information for key academic roles
- Courses and the modules approved to be delivered on each course (course diets)
- Modules and the courses on which they are delivered
- External examiners associated with both courses and modules
- Module descriptors (in the format currently held by Academic Quality and Standards)
- All courses and modules for a Department or Subject Group
- Assessment patterns for each module as well as the assessment balance for all modules across a course
- The ability to email all course leaders and module leaders directly
For more information, contact us at ! Enhancing Student and Curriculum Management