Cafe Scientifique: Child vision – the challenges of testing

Monday 4 April – 7pm, presented by Helen Davis, Professor of Orthoptics, University of Sheffield Medical School

There is evidence to support the fact that early diagnosis and intervention for many eye conditions can improve the chances of gaining normal sight and the ability to see the world in 3D. Should we screen for problems? However, testing infants and children accurately in a clinical setting is a challenge.

This presentation will consider these challenges and discuss how they might be overcome. Do we need good vision in both eyes and is binocular vision a luxury used only at the cinema? How accurate do we need to be in our testing of children? Some simple tests capture an infant’s attention more than more complex equipment but could we use technology to improve other more crude tests currently used in the clinic?

This talk is supported by ‘Fight for Sight’, the Eye Research Charity.

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