Over the last 18 months, the Enhancing Student and Curriculum Management (ESCM) programme has been working with faculties and directorates to improve and develop the student and curriculum management system, which will now be known internally by its commercial name of SITS (formerly SI).
We will be re-launching the web front end to SITS (formerly known as My Student Record for staff) under the new title of SITS Online. SITS Online will provide an easy to use gateway to the student and curriculum data held in SITS. The first of a suite of new facilities within SITS Online is the Curriculum View, which goes live to staff on 1 March 2016. The Curriculum View is accessible via the SITS Online tab on the staff intranet homepage .
My Student Record for students remains unchanged.
For any questions relating to the ESCM Programme, please contact the team at: ! Enhancing Student and Curriculum Management or escm@shu.ac.uk.