SHU Space & Place Group workshop: call for papers

Does your discipline engage with matters of space and place?

The interdisciplinary SHU Space and Place Group was set up in 2012 by Jenny Blain (Sociology), Luke Bennett (Natural & Built Environment), Cathy Burnett and Carol Taylor (Education) to explore the common ground between our various interests in space and place. It meets 3-4 times a year to discuss conceptual, methodological and practical issues around the question “how do we make sense of the spaces and places within which stuff of interest to us happens?”

We are always keen to welcome new voices into our conversation and we’ve organised our (informal) ‘conference’ on Wednesday 11 May to widen participation in the Group. It will also showcase what we’ve already achieved through our open and creative collaborations. So, if you’d like to come along and speak for 15 minutes on what space and place research means to you and/or how you have investigated space and place in your research, please submit a title and a 150 word abstract to Luke Bennett ( by Monday 29 February.  A committee of SHU SPG members will then select speakers by mid-March.

All are very welcome to attend and we will circulate a full programme once finalised and give directions on how to book a place. The event will be free to attend.