Wine and Wisdom Quiz for St Luke’s Hospice

Some of you will be familiar with the very popular Wine & Wisdom quizzes that George Windsor and Dan Riddington-Young hosted at SHU. After George’s untimely death last May, we thought it would be a great idea to stage another quiz in his memory.

So, on Tuesday 2 February ‘Wine & Wisdom – 2016’ will take place at The Devonshire Cat on Wellington St from 7pm. The quiz will follow the usual format with lots of prizes to be won. Entry is £20 per team (max 4 people per team) and all proceeds will go to St Luke’s Hospice. Snacks are provided along with music from Jim Darnill and Cocklebread. George’s brother, Bill, has kindly agreed to be quizmaster for the evening.

If you’d like to enter a team please get in touch, ASAP, with Pete Titterton