The corporate student records system SITS:Vision (known locally as SITS or SI) used for all student and curriculum records management is due to be upgraded as part of the annual upgrade cycle. Tribal, the system developers, release upgrades twice a year, but to reduce the impact on SHU staff and students we combine the upgrades and implement them both around Easter each year. This process is managed by the Registry Services Student Systems and Records, Corporate Systems Student Management and IS&T Programme Office teams.
The SITS system and web interface, My Student Record (MSR) will not be available to staff or students from Friday 15 April to Sunday 17 April (inclusive) while the upgrade from version 8.8.0 through 8.8.1 to 9.1.0 takes place. We expect the system to be available again by noon on Monday 18 April; we will email SITS users if completion will be earlier.
All students and staff with an enabled SITS account will be notified of the system downtime by email and messages will be put on the MSR/shuspace login pages and University TV screens/screensavers, prior to and during the upgrade. The Registry Services SI Help team who provide support for student systems and process related enquiries will use the SI Incident Blog to keep staff users informed of progress during the upgrade.
We will remind you again nearer the time but in the meantime if you have any questions, please email the SI Help team on ! SI Help or telephone x 4475.