The 2016 National Student Survey for final year students will go live at Sheffield Hallam University on Monday 1 February.
What is the NSS?
All UK universities take part in the National Student Survey (NSS) each year. It is open to final year undergraduate students who are invited to complete it online.
To encourage a high response rate, £3 per completed survey is donated to four Students’ Union RAG-approved charities and we are aiming to beat last year’s total of £10,000.
Why is it important for students to complete the NSS?
Our University strategy sets out our aim to be recognised as a leading University, known for an excellent teaching and student experience with highly satisfied students. The NSS is a key public measure of this.
A high response rate ensures that the information published about the University’s courses is representative. Plus it highlights areas of high student satisfaction, and tells us where we can improve.
How you can support the survey
You have an important role to play in making students aware of the survey and encouraging them to take part. Visit the NSS intranet pages for further information about the survey, Faculty events, charities and ways you can get involved.