IT security – working offsite

Do you ever access emails or files using personal equipment or offsite?

While it can be a very convenient way of working, University staff have a responsibility to take precautions which minimise the security risks involved.  The University has a Working Off Campus IT Security Policy, with guidelines and advice for staff members working offsite with sensitive data, and the security risks associated with this.

There are various methods of accessing SHU information remotely including Outlook Web Access, Remote Desktop (VWorkSpace), online file access and Virtual Private Network (VPN).

Personal equipment, (including laptops and desktops) should have individual accounts, be password protected, and have time-out enabled to prevent unauthorised access. They should also have up to date anti-virus software installed, and personal firewall protection in place.

Any devices holding personal or sensitive data should be encrypted in accordance with the University Encryption Policy, and should not be left unattended in public places.

Further guidance regarding working offsite can be found at:  If you have any queries regarding this or any other IT security topics then contact the University IT Security Officer by E-Mail at ! IT or telephone Extension 2071.